Musing & Muted Monologues...

Trying to Make Sense of It All...

Monday, April 05, 2010


Lord Jesus, I have this voice in my heart, but for the life of me, I can’t figure what it’s trying to say. It feels like there’s a scream being muted in me right now. As a result, I’m way more pensive. I wanna figure this out—but I don’t know what “this” is really. I am feeling like parts of me are getting in the way of things. Like I’m stumbling over myself right now. I know clarity is quickly approaching, just want to know all this is about.

On another note, this was a pretty cool weekend, despite my sprinkler dumping a literal puddle in the middle of my office. That killed any Saturday out-and-aboutness that may have occurred. I still got a chance to see fam, watch some sports, connect with a couple of folks and get some business taken care of. Feels like the universe is testing me right now though…I wonder how God would grade my performance. Hmmmm….

Positive of the weekend: I am better learning how to accept the things that I don't like in those I love, and listen to the critiques they may have of me. I will try to curb my inner geek, which may be off-putting to some, although not intended to do so.


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