Musing & Muted Monologues...

Trying to Make Sense of It All...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Roadside Flares

Something is blocking my creativity. I readily acknowledge that part of the problem is indeed me, but I’m only part of the equation. Maybe part of it’s the job, and the fact that things have been so intense as of late that I don’t want to do anything when I get home, hell, over the weekend. It’s a very slow drain to commit to something that I’m not passionate about; minor, but a drain nonetheless.

Maybe part of it is that I don’t have a creative fixation to drive me, a muse if you will. In college, I had three muses, one minor and two major. As I transitioned from the quasi-adult status college life into the real world, I had my best friend who at some point became a greater interest for me. So, since about 28 years old or so, I haven’t been as creative as I am accustomed to being. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve done things, from writing to recording, but not on the scale or with the consistency of years prior. Much of my creativity is rooted in my passion and pursuit of the opposite sex, and I haven’t really had a good muse in a while.

Maybe part of the problem is my relationship with God, although, truthfully, I feel is pretty sound right now. I am not really a church-going dude, but I do get up on a whim and go from time to time. I’m more of a “personal time” kinda guy when it comes to my relationship with God. Turn off the radio while driving, talk to God/introspect while walking or showering; that sort of thing. Thing is though, I often feel the closest to God when I’m using the creative gifts He gave me. Because I don’t do so with any semblance of normalcy as of late, I in turn feel somewhat disconnected. I can’t force myself to create, because I’m often dissatisfied with the end result. Instead, I’m used to a constant flux of creative energy; the vibe that I could write or draw something profound at any given moment. This keeps me in a constant state of readiness.

I lost a lot of this vibe when I started doing mortgages, and then insurance. So little of the right brain is used to do mortgages and insurance, it’s like my creative energy short circuited almost. Now, it’s like trying to get an engine to turn over after it hasn’t been used in a while. Not like I can run out and just get a new engine, so I’m kind of waiting on a divine AAA to give me a jump. Once I get it running, the battery will charge itself back up…it’s just keeping her running that’s the issue. This journal in fact is a great example: When I was really feeling that vibe, I had multiple entries in any given month—even a day sometimes. When I am feeling disconnected, I may have one or two entries in a month, maybe two months. Right now, I’m kind of in between. But feeling like I’m in a position where I could lose ground is actually worse than being at zero, because I almost don’t notice on a conscious level that I’m creatively brain dead.

Right now it’s a highway at sunset, and I’m on the shoulder looking to flag someone down. No cars on the horizon just yet, but I’m optimistic.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Taking a breather...

Dog, this is the first time in nearly 2 weeks that I've been able to do anything other than pedal to the metal work. I had 1 breakfast and 1 lunch all last week! Worked a straight dime without anything but a a latte and a piece of cake last Friday, and spent the latter half of the weekend paying for it. Doing better with eating this week, although I fell off of the horse on Tuesday. It's been crazy as hell, but it's always a blessing to have a job (especially) when so many don't. No complaints, just saying...whew...come on Friday, witcho bad ass!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Glad this week is over...

I worked a straight dime today with no Breakfast or lunch break. This week was off the chain. One breakfast, one lunch the entire week!
Check my homegirl out here!: click here

Now playing: Kanye West - Say You Will

Funny Exchanges

Outside, as I'm about to walk into the local grill spot to get breakfast
Homeless Dude: Hey man what’s up? It’s me Davey! (In baritone voice) Attention all customers, please do not forget to tip your maitr’d on the way out. (singing) Bum, bum bum bum bum chicka-chicka—
--and, scene!

After walking in Starbucks for a white chocolate mocha latte (which I just tried for the first time two days ago and is really good)
Cashier: Welcome sir, may I take your order?
Customer: You know what I want, what I rewally really want.
Me- Looking in shock
Customner: I’m just kidding.
Me: I hope so, I really hope you are joking
Customer: (brief diatribe about how his friends daughter liked the Spice Girls)
Me: Yeah, blame it on the friend’s daughter. See, I’m a fan of Scary Spice, but not for her singing.
Customer: I’m a fan of all the Spice Girls, but not for their singing
Devin (Guy who makes the hot beverage concoctions): You’re a fan of the Spice Girls
Extra convo
Customer: So yeah, did you call your mother for me
Devin: Yeah.
Customer: What did she say?
Devin: She said that she got the results back from her test and they weren’t good, so you might want to go get checked too.
Me: (LOL) Aww, that was good. My side is hurting on that one.
--and, scene!