Musing & Muted Monologues...

Trying to Make Sense of It All...

Sunday, April 18, 2004

For those who have been wondering why the hell I haven't been doing my jouyrnal consistantly, I am the worst. But, i'm innocent when it comes to this past week, as I was ji' out of it this entire week. In fact, I missed three days of work because of being out of it. Not fun at all...wouldn't recommend it. Anyways, still things to talk about, just can't remember what. Oh, by the way, my typos may be more frequent because my eyes are kind of jacked up. I got shampoo in my eyes last sunday, and I never fully washed them out, so I have a nice film over my left I which makes things nice and blurry. Loads of fun, try it right before you drive off to work...I did and look at me!
Oh, we can talk about my boy Droopy on 106th & Park, can't we. We won't clown our fam too hard about the fan base bubbling to a maddening degree, or that we didn't see our favorite lines because he was forced to rock a 3 minute piece in a 1/3 of the time. Nor will we mention that he actually didn't bring any pictures of Free's booty as I, indeed and verily, we shalt lift him up and rejoice in all things Droopy, and pretend we didn't see him drop a line to a pece we know as well as he does. Just clowning baby boy, you know I was charged to see you "do you". The world got a good taste of Drew, but trust, you know as well as I that there will be many returns to see Free...they ain't ready
Sidebar: don't you hate when folks talk all ambiguously around you about some shit you have know way of being up on because it doesn't quite exist, ut to them does, so they act like the world is sleeping on them and you're not cool enugh to know what's going on? Yeah, me too.
Oh, Kill Bill 2, loved it...gangsta. Problem is, my friends don't feel the same way, but, fuck 'em. Hey, if you can't say fuck ya friends, who can you say it to? Seriously though, they wanted more action, mad because people weren't loosing limbs like the first joint. Mad there was a plot. For a second there, I was thrown, too. But, I quickly realized what Quentin was doing and respected it. It was merely a simple statement, "I got yo asses to see the first one, now you'll understand why it all happened". You got to see the motivation for the entire movie, why each character responded a certain way. Shit, David Carradine and Darryl Hannah got their man with the acting, and I've never been impressed with the skills of either. I mean, I like Splash as much as the next guy, but c'mon...really.
Anywho...I have things to do, as do you I'm sure, so we'll adjourn and meet back here later, okay. Great, ecstatic, can't wait.


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